Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Laser Engraving – An Effective Marking Technique

Laser engraving is the process of engraving or marking an object using laser beam of lights. It is modern and very effective marking technique. The laser lights can be used for marking objects made from different materials such as plastic, metal, rubber, stone, glass, wood, etc. The intensity of light used for marking object depends on type of material it is made of.

Desired design can be easily and effectively marked on object using laser engraving and laser etching technique. The technique of marking is widely used in different types of industries, educational institutions, hospitals and other areas. Even this technique of marking is used in fashion streets. It can be used for carving designs on jewelry made from different materials.

Laser etching is very popular as marking method in medical applications as well. There are many printing companies in United Kingdom. Those who need marking objects of any type should find a right marking companies. Besides private companies and industries, government agencies also rely on laser etching for marking. Banks use the methods for storing data on debit cards, credit cards and ATM cards. There are endless uses of laser marking technique.

For further details about Laser Engraving and please visit the website.

Embossing Plastic Card and Metal Plate Using Laser Beam of Light

Plastic cards are very popular. They are used for variety of purposes. They are used as smart cards, contact cards, debit cards, credit cards, identity cards in corporate offices, hospitals, schools, colleges, etc. These cards are printed with logo of the organization it belongs, data, name, etc. The printing is made using laser light. Laser embossing for plastic cards are very popular among people. Similarly, metal plates are used for name plate in home, hospital, shop, school, colleges, etc. These are also used as metal hoarding. The process of laser engraving used for metal plate embossing.

Laser lights are perfect for plastic card embossing and metal plate embossing. Designs can be engraved very clearly and precisely using laser beam of light. The design to be engraved is first programmed in the computer and that computer program controls the beam of light. Even very complex design can be marked perfectly on very small surface.

Laser light as marking technique is very popular in different areas. There are many printing companies in United Kingdom. They keep different types of laser printing machine to emboss designs and data precisely on any type of object.

For further details about Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit the website.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Laser Technology

Laser etching is the process of cutting a permanent figure or image on a hard material. But it will not be used on wood or wooden articles as it may burn the surface of wood. This technology of laser etching is mostly used in manufacturing industries to keep an identity for their products.

Most of the established brands are aware of the duplicates of their products available in the market. These products not only reduce the revenue of the companies but also create a negative impact in the minds of the customers with their poor qualities. So to create awareness is must for the established business houses. The normal practice is to create an emblem or any specific figure on the surface of their products with laser etching technology to distinguish the original from the duplicate.

In some other cases laser etching is used to make their products more attractive. This is done mainly in designer products. Kitchen appliances like microwave oven, stoves, Fridge, etc., are common products which have been used in every household. In older days they have been purchased based on the quality. Now a number of high quality products are available in the market in different brands. So keeping a brand image based on quality has become difficult for the manufacturers. So they have started coming up with attractive designs and shapes. Here laser etching technology can be used to make these designs more attractive and permanent unlike the affixed labels.

Even in automobile industry too laser etching technology is used to create alluring designs which will tempt the customer. More over it is being used to notify the original spare parts too.

There are certain things to be taken care of while using laser etching technology. This technology should not apply on wood. It will burn the surface and will give an ugly look. While purchasing laser etching equipment you should consider the warranty, price and operation. A number of user friendly equipments are available now. Last but not least thing is that you always keep a distance from the outlet of the equipment. Laser may affect your health badly and the material where we want to apply this technology should also be kept at a specified distance to get maximum effect.

Laser etching is considered as the technology of this century. Though it has developed in the last century it has emerged perfectly in this century only. And the demand in the market too increased in this century. Now in almost every industry this technology is used for one purpose or the other. You too can give mileage to your products using laser etching technology. So be a smart one to take full advantage of this technology.

For Further detail about Laser Etching and Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit our website http://www.identisys.co.uk

Brand Image and Duplicates

The main problem, manufacturing industries facing today is the presence of duplicates of their products. There is a lot of pain and efforts behind establishing a brand name. Strict quality checking and a wide publicity to create the awareness about the product and the brand name are necessary to create a brand image in the market. Once a brand is established, some greedy people without any ethics will start duplicating those well reputed products to mint money in a short period without putting any effort. Laser marking or laser engraving is the best way to keep the identity of the products. The importance of keeping the product’s identity is very much important. Because, the duplicates are not just en cashing on your reputation but also will create a negative image for your products with the poor quality of the duplicate products.

Laser engraving is basically engraving a matter or any images on a surface with a laser beam. This image or laser marking will be permanent. This can not be removed or modified. This feature makes laser engraving or laser marking more secure than printed labels affixed on the surface of the products. More over laser engraving will give an elegant look to the product.

Apart from saving the products to keep identity it also reflects the class of the product. In a market where the tough competition is going on between a numbers of similar types of products, it is necessary to present your product as a class product. Laser engraving or laser marking will help you in this regard too. You can engrave either your emblem or any attractive image on your product using laser beam. Here you should take care about the image. A wrong image may create a negative impact too.

You should have a registered trade name or an emblem which can be engraved on your products. If somebody trying to do the same you can take legal action too. But with an unregistered brand name and emblem legal proceedings may not be possible. So always register the image that is being engraved on your product.

As mentioned earlier, laser engraving or laser marking is a permanent structure and can not be removed like affixed labels or stickers. So it will remain as long as the product exists. This will give you a chance indirectly to give publicity for your product. This type of publicity will pay more. A product which is having long life and good quality will definitely attract the attention of people. When they see the name in that mood, certainly it will leave a positive impact on their minds. Thus with the new laser technology is saving the identity of your product and gives extra publicity too.

For Further Detail about Laser Marking please visit our website http://www.identisys.co.uk.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Use Plastic and Save Nature

Papers have become an integral part of our society. It has been used in good quantity for various purposes. The more paper we use, the more trees will be cut down. This will end in a lot of eco problems. The totally unexpected climate changes we experience now is a bi product of the over exploitation on nature. To avoid this let us minimize the use of paper.

One of the areas where a large quantity of papers is being used is in manufacturing cards for various purposes. Paper cards are being used as visiting cards, invitation cards for various occasions and greeting cards. These cards are being produced by sticking layers of papers one above the other. These cards can be replaced with plastic cards.

Plastic cards can be printed as paper cards, but the latest trend is plastic card embossing. Here the images or the letters embossed on a plastic card will have a three dimensional effect and we can feel that effect too. Thus plastic card embossing is more attractive than a simple printing on a paper card.

Greetings cards can make more attractive and will have more life with plastic card embossing. Attractive pictures of nature or flower bunches can be embossed on plastic cards. This will have more natural look with its three dimensional effect and are worth keeping in show cases. So these cards will be permanently visible by the receiver and the sender will be remembered always. The real purpose of sending a greeting card is served thus.

Business cards are more important thing in business as it is the one which gives a first impression. First impression is the best impression. Plastic card embossing can make these cards more attractive and thus leaves a good impression about the company in the mind of the receivers. More over plastic is a water proof material and the embossing will not fade in due course of time. So keeping plastic cards will be easier as well as useful.

Nowadays plastic card embossing has become a good profession and more and more people are coming into this field. In earlier days very few companies used to use plastic cards. Now a good number of companies are going for it. This ended in enlarging the marketing possibilities of plastic cards. Thus plastic card embossing has become a profitable business too.

As the number of manufacturers increased the price of the cards too fell down. This made plastic cards more affordable economically. Now a plastic business card embossed with the company emblem has become a status symbol for the business. More over plastic card embossing plays an important role in saving the nature too. So use plastic cards and save nature.

For further Laser etching and Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit the website.

Use of Laser Technology in Brand image creation

This is a business oriented world. People have recognized that business is the way to increase the wealth. That is why most of the countries with an agricultural based economy have turned towards industrialization. This increased the commodities available in the market. Same products are available in different brands and are almost equal in quality. Then there arise a need for brand image creation on some other aspects. Thus manufacturers started bringing products with attractive designs and in attractive colors. The products which were available in a single color or in two different colors once are available in various designs and colors. Laser technology plays an important role in this.

Various designs can be made on the surface of various products with laser engraving or laser marking technology. Surface of a pressure cooker, which was plain once, bears some beautiful pictures of butterflies or flowers. Outer body of fridge is available with various designs made with Laser engraving or laser marking. These changes are real reflection of a changed life style.

In the present scenario people are more beauty conscious. Whether it is the home or office or a factory, they want it to look beautiful. Same way, they want to leave a good impression in the mind of others about their home or work place. They have learned that it is only possible when the place has beautiful appearance. Thus the job of interior decorators has increased and more and more specialized professionals are coming into this field. This changed concept of life, where beauty plays an important role mad manufacturers of various products to launch various models of same products. This is being done in most cases with changed designs created using laser engraving or laser marking technology.

There were days when a car has been selected based on its performance and fuel efficiency. Those days are over. Now a number of fuel efficient cars have come in the market and like any other material, cars have also become a thing which will be sold out after using for some time. Or in other words it is just another thing which will get changed so frequently. Manufacturers are aware of this new trend and they have come with cheaper and fuel efficient cars. So the competition became tough and to be present in the market they have to depend on making their cars more attractive. Even the market of motor bikes too moves in this direction. This new trend made laser engraving or laser marking technology a must in these industries. If you are a manufactures, it is better to take advantage of these developments. Because, use of the most modern technologies will always add more value to your business.

Jonahan Jfell is owner of this site and writes articles since long time. For further Laser etching and Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit the website.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Laser Engraving and Laser Etching- an innovative tool!

The process of making engravings in a precise manner of various types on any kind of material that a company uses in the manufacturing of its wide variety of products is known as laser engraving. The technique has become so popular in a very short span of time that it has fast started replacing the metal tool bits which were earlier used to etch upon products.
Three workable components are there in the machine. The first component is the main laser. This is used to target or direct the beam. Second component is the controller which is basically a computer that assists in the beam movement and positioning. The third and the last component is the surface area on which the etching or engraving is actually carried out. The laser is shaped like a pencil emitting the very high intensity beam. This beam helps in engraving and etching upon the various surfaces on which it is directed. The main objective of controllers is to control the intensity of laser beam, its direction, etc so as to carry out the job in a precise way.
Usually where the engraving is supposed to be done is the point of focus of the laser. It is generally very small in size and it brings about material changes in the surface area when the intensity of thee laser increases. The material is at times burned away in case when the high amount of heat is applied. It also sometimes results in small cracks or fissures in the material. In such cases, material layers are removed and the engraving is done.
Laser engraving and etching is applied in various fields. It not only has several managerial applications but it also assists in the overall identification of the product by engraving its serial number and other details on the product. The names of the company, its logo, various signs, etc are engraved. It also engraves speed, voltage, pressure, etc and other features of the product. In the field of product tracking as well, laser engraving and etching is commonly used.
In case of manufacturing sectors, the technique helps in etching on various new metal alloys, polymers, etc. Due to so many advantages encompassed by this technique, the tool bits have been replaced by this technique. Since this is a very delicate job, great extent of precision is required which comes easily through this technique.
In the art field, laser technology is used to create personalized jewellery and also assists jewelers to engrave things like batch no, bar codes, certain specific markings, etc. This was not possible with metal tips. Since intricate patterns are needed in jewellery making, this technique is the best possible option.
For further Laser Marking and Laser Engraving please visit the website.

Laser Engraving: Technological innovation!

A technique of marking various products is referred to as laser marking and it is carried out by using laser source of radiant energy. This is also known as surfacing and it incorporates printing, bonding using lasers, etc. It is usually done when due to any kind of marking technique; the spoilage of any surface is undesirable. It has fast replaced many other traditional processes which were used in industries in a short time.
Permanent marks can be made in this kind of marking process on a wide variety and range of materials that are using laser beams as an alternative. In late 90s laser bonding as a process was patented and now it is finding such a widespread usage in various companies.
For example in the form of intricate logos of the company metal products, permanent marks can be made which manufactures them. Besides these many identification marks like serial number, time even bar coding, batch number etc are done with the help of lasers.
A more traditional heat firing method was used for other kind of material before and that used to spoil the material surface due to the fact that it was used on materials like plastic, rubber etc. These reacted very quickly to raised temperature, but with advancements in technology such complex surfaces also can be marked. This can be done in whatever manner the manufacturer wants as no changes to their basic structure are brought about by lasers and also it can be done in a very precise and intricate manner.
The process uses some specific types of Lasers in this kind of a process. Some of them are-
• Carbon Dioxide Laser
• Nd:YAG Laser
• Fiber laser
• Diode-pumped solid-state laser etc.
Since, the laser beam can be designed in such a way so as to deliver energy to the surface, a laser can remove material in an effective manner thereby converting which converts a high percentage of the light energy into heat. In most non-reflective materials, the beam is highly focused and collimated. These materials can be plastics, enamel and wood. However, the equipment used in Laser engraving may heat up rather quickly due to this efficiency. For laser, elaborate cooling systems are required. Alternatively, to decrease the amount of excessive heating, the laser beam may be pulsed.
The laser materials that are used so widely are not only very durable but also there is no major change to the actual material of the product. Abrasions are avoided. Care should be taken while marking so as to avoid any complexity. Techniques such as diamond tipped tool bits, sandblasting, etc have now been replaced and instead laser beams are widely used so as to carry out engraving job more precisely.
For further Laser Marking and Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit the website.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Laser Equipments - manufacturer Use Them

Laser cutting equipment for ceramics, metal, plastic and silicon materials, such as specific materials, is used to cut. This is so effective because it does not replace the old equipment laser equipment at this time, almost all the fields are used. When we talk about equipment, laser, see laser cutting equipment, welding equipment and laser equipment, laser tag. All of these are used in various fields of industry and all of them to be used to improve the quality of products. laser technology does not rely on people they did not use the last, I thought they were kind of expensive.

This equipment, as well as some high-tech and medical devices can be used by clients. Laser Engraving and Laser Etching better and faster results for more than a technology is used by the manufacturers: for example, Metal Fabricators with the latest technology, turret punches, such as the old machine was replaced. This laser cutting technology, the use of these plastics has a number of manufacturers: they are for all kinds of shapes and materials can be used to create. Flowers, pens and other items, there are Christmas decorations for all types of vessels - for example, a number of decorative items to companies, even companies have used to create toys for children. They are only used to color the plastic, and they use a laser, cut, and they get good results.

Very, very productive, because clearly most of the manufacturers of laser cutting equipment is used, the results are of high quality, which is more flexible. Today, more productive and efficient in almost all the manufacturers of all the programs used to!

they are very effective, because they help to improve the quality of their products, manufacturers, because they have better support customers' needs and help them gain more customers, the laser equipment is used.

A Laser Engraving and laser etching machine generally consists of a guiding mechanism; and optic system for generating the laser beam; a movement system; a cooling system, and an exhaust system. Fiber and CO2 lasers are typical types of lasers used for engraving.

For further details about Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit the site.

Etching Machines - A Lot Less Expensive

In contrast to days gone by, today's market, cutting machine and less expensive, more so in this type of equipment, or as a benefit to have a hobby or small business. And traditional engraving machine, engraving equipment, and improved accuracy a metal, plastic, wood or other materials to the etchings, laser and computer software used in different versions of the updated.

How this works

Instead of the material on the surface of the equipment used for laser engraving, laser engraves the object that is not a type of carbide, cutting equipment was used traditionally, will never cover is engraved. That the laser beam, to be established, and then traces of the object is controlled by the computer system, the surface of a model, is directed to the surface. , and initials or names are usually, but sometimes the photos of them, or - what is selected by a computer program Etched model, the material vaporizes and surfaces - the center of this laser beam, a red hot and what is known as the glass effect. Laser engraving machine, or moving, the laser is a stable feature of the surface can move.

Where is the equipment used and the cut

Laser engraving machine is usually used for small business or large industry, they are usually less than some people want to spend way too expensive for a hobby - but a lot of these people in their homes and their machines to use tons of various substances. and place it a few products, you can use it to market because this type of equipment, as well as the home is ideal for small business. Laser and sometimes more than the issue, serial number, or, in some products, such as a manufacturing date or other information about the numbers, seals are used to. There are endless possibilities when it comes to carving, and wood products can be engraved, plaques, awards, Trophies, furniture, art and jewelry are separated, but the more specific items.

For further details about Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit the site.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Laser Engraving Machines and Business uses

Laser Engraving machines are often used on glass products such as mugs or champagne glasses. This is usually part of a commemorative gifts business. In such a business, souvenirs of events and special occasions are sold in the form of beer mugs, wine glasses, champagne glasses, etc. The special event could be a family picnic, an anniversary, a birthday, a wedding, or something else.

Laser Engraving and Laser Etching is the practice of using lasers to engrave or mark an object. The technique does not involve tool bits which contact the engraving surface and wear out. This is considered an advantage over alternative engraving technologies where bit heads have to be replaced regularly.
Laser etching is vital to this manufacturer of bearings to maintain a competitive edge. Laser marking is a faster and cleaner and more flexible process than acid etching that it replaced. As well as brand name and model number, the mark is serialized to give each component its unique identifier.
Whether you are an architect or builder, an interior designer or simply an artistic person looking to custom design or remodel a portion of your home, office or building, Dynamic Laser Image provides that one-of-a-kind finishing touch to make your project uniquely yours.

Laser engraving is the advanced method of making more precise carves using innovative lasers. The course is within a rather complex nature and therefore needs accurate calculations on every edge and border. Companies offering this kind of service typically use computer systems to generate the process.
They also present a wide range of production services to almost any industry existing. Laser-based industrialized services are perfect for research and development projects and huge amounts of production runs. This process is usually more lucrative, environment-friendly, and highly productive than the other standard manufacturing processes.

Guide To Laser Engraving and Laser Etching

Laser marking is also referred to as laser etching. Unlike conventional etching, laser etching needs no masks or chemicals. Some people just call it laser etching and others call it laser engraving but basically the technique uses a computer-controlled laser beam to mark a surface.
Laser Engraving and Laser Etching is the preferred marking method when aesthetics or permanency is desired. Sometimes laser marking is referred to as laser etching; unlike conventional etching, it needs no masks or chemicals. Laser marking is the preferred marking method when aesthetics or permanency is desired. Sometimes laser marking is referred to as laser etching; unlike conventional etching, it needs no masks or chemicals.
Laser Engraving and Laser Etching produces a surface mark with very little engraving and very little disruption of the material surface. This is especially useful in certain industries such as discrete electric components, semi-conductor, electrical fuse, and ceramics where laser etching can actually damage part or change the conductive qualities of the part.
Laser etching is the process of marking the material without cutting all the way through using reduced power. It can be done on many materials including slate, granite, stainless steel, leather, arborite, glass, mirrors, and premium hard woods.
Laser engraving got it's start in the early sixties when scientists discovered they could create a light source, focus it's energy and yet have a tool powerful enough to affect a variety of materials. If you've heard the term laser etching it's basically just another name for laser engraving.
Laser machines and systems are used in a variety of applications and industries including the medical device industry, aerospace, manufacturing, automotive, pharmaceutical, and electronic industry.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Laser Engraving: Spread your social message through laser-engraving wristbands

Technology has completely changed our living and working standards. Earlier, carving various kinds of patterns, alphabets on brittle products are very difficult process as it has frequent chances of breaking or fear of better quality. Thus, a new technology laser engraving method has come up through which you can engrave anything on any kind of material quite conveniently. A PC and knowledge of handling the machine must be required. If you are unaware about the benefits of this machine then go to online world and gain much significant knowledge handily.

If you are considering laser technology for some artistic work or personalizing something then laser etching will definitely help you. Via using of laser beam you can turn your simple flooring into antique one, make your windows attractive with different designs and carve the name of your lover on your bracelet without harming its original quality.

Laser engraving wristbands are also very popular among the youth because it is perfectly blend with the recent fashion statements. If you are working for any cause then these bands will be very valuable because you can engrave any sort of messages quite comfortably.

So, this time if you are participating in social activity or sporting events and need some tools for publicity try this bands and see the results. The marking and engraving process is very simple just put your product on the laser beam area and release the beam where you want to carve the design or message. Don’t worry about the size because you can print from 2 mm up to 7 mm. But, always buy the products after making vast researches.

For further details about Laser Engraving and Laser Etching please visit http://www.identisys.co.uk/

Laser Engraving and Laser Etching: Increase your product quality without raising product cost

I am keenly involved in making my things personalize and keep it with me for rest of my life. Earlier, it was very difficult but thanks to laser engraving and laser etching technology through which I can make my possessions personalized. The process is quite simple only complete information regarding the machines and its right handling way is required. All the information related with this technology and machines is available over the web. But, I must say that this technology is definitely a boon for the numerous engraving and sculptural industries.

Now they can finish their work on time with cost-efficiency and complete accuracy. Whether you need to print a unique design on t-shirt or your husband name on the pendant, laser etching will do this for you. Even, to print the design it consumes less time and provides best quality designs on your material. For this process all the credit goes to laser beam that work on the basis of light magnification by replicate discharge of radiations.

This technology has various advantageous such as accurate and sharp outcomes, swiftly and conveniently change, simple and hassle free to handle, no additional buying of supplies or goods, handling and maintenance costs is quite low and loads more.

Therefore, various enormous industries can be used laser engraving and laser etching technology. Laser marking is a feasible and multipurpose technology that helps you to attain better quality, increase productivity and earn great profit with least spending. There are various companies can be accessible over the web that provide laser etching, Laser engraving and laser marking equipments and machines on best possible price quote. So, hurry up! .

For further details about Laser engraving please visit http://www.identisys.co.uk/